Mario Medvedec

Name: Mario Medvedec


since 2013 vice-president of the Croatian Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
since 2012 lecturer at Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
since 2009 member of the Executive Committee, Croatian Society for Medical and Biological
Engineering; member of the Clinical Engineering Division Board, International Federation for
Medical and Biological Engineering
2006 Ph.D. in clinical dosimetry, radionuclide therapy and radiation protection, School of Medicine,
University of Zagreb, Croatia
since 2003 lecturer and mission expert of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
since 2002 lecturer at Health Polytechnic, Zagreb, Croatia
since 2000 peer reviewer of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine
since 1995 research scientist in national and international research & development projects
1995 M.Sc. in biomedical measurement techniques and computing, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia
since 1990 clinical biomedical engineer, Division of Biophysics, Department of Nuclear Medicine and
Radiation Protection, University Hospital Centre Zagreb and University of Zagreb School of
Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia
1989 - B.Sc. in radiocommunications and professional electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1983 - graduated from High School of Mathematics and Informatics, Zagreb, Croatia
1964 - born in Zagreb, Croatia
Participates in professional, scientific and educational work in the field of nuclear medicine and
radiation protection, clinical biomedical engineering and medical physics: quality assurance, control
and safety, radiation protection, dosimetry and radionuclide therapy, medical imaging, digital imaging, modeling and simulation, statistics, information and communication technologies, medical equipment management, etc.
Published 34 papers (10 CC) and 100+ abstracts (57 CC) cited 130+ times (Web of Science, Scopus).
Member of 10 professional societies. Participated in dozens of professional meetings, courses and
sessions. Having knowledge of English, German, Spanish and Russian.

































